"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1
This verse gives us hope of all things happening in the Lord's timing, yet often we fail to acknowledge the reality of His timing. We want everything to happen in our plan of time - when and how we want it all to unfold. No greater time is the verse applicable than in the time I was praying for a husband and deemed the time as at that very moment for the Lord provide me a husband. Cue the tapping impatient foot.
Lately I've been scrolling through the newsfeed on Facebook and seeing several friends who have recently become involved in relationships. My heart leaps with joy for them, and I am genuinely encouraged by all that is unfolding in their lives. However, what I have decided to write about here is just how the Lord has shown Himself to me via these young women becoming involved in relationships.
God's timing is perfect. PERFECT. I spent years praying for a husband. I am certain these women have spent more than a day also praying for the mate the Lord has for them. Though we don't know the end to which these relationships will take, our God has brought these men into their lives now. It wasn't because I was doing everything right; it wasn't because they are doing everything right. It was because our God deemed it time. I think back to all the wasted, yes I said wasted, hours of crying over not having a mate. All along the Lord knew April 2014 would be the time of introduction. Other desires of my heart were met in every way. Desires He planted in my heart, He also granted. The fret and the worry and the frustration built up to a moment that unfolded in meeting Jeremy and not a moment sooner. My point is this: we can not see all the Lord is doing, but if we trust He loves us (and He does) then we must submit to what He has in store for us knowing it is for our good - whether it is a trip to share the Gospel to a people in another country, a new job, a 6'2 man who loves Jesus or the trip of a lifetime.
I can't get over how God works all things to His good and glory. We don't understand His timing because He is not working on a timetable. A day is a 1000 years. But His ways are higher than our own.
If you are dating, trust in the Lord's timing. Trust in the moment now. Live in this moment, and live it to the hilt for this is His will for your life.
If you are single, take heart. The Lord is working 10,000 things at one time, and you may be aware of 3 (care of Piper). He has planted these desires in your heart. Surrender to the desires of your heart and be amazed. His timing will unfold. It absolutely will! I believe that. I'm believing it now as a wife, and hopefully one day a mother.
Yes, there is a time for every matter under heaven. It leaves me breathless. It leaves me hopeful. It leaves me at peace.
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