Monday, March 7, 2016


Satisfied isn't a word I use often. I'd say that I'm usually more unsatisfied than satisfied. I want more sunshine, more chocolate, less vegetables. I want to be a better wife, friend, daughter and granddaughter. I'm almost always unsatisfied with the number on the scale. Do you see how this rabbit trail could go on and on? And then I opened my Bible to this verse this morning at the nice time of 6:45 AM -

"Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love." Psalm 90:14 

After finishing my Bible study, running 4 miles and buying the groceries, I have not been able to get this verse off my mind. The ultimate satisfaction is to be satisfied with the love the Father has shown to us through Christ. Then will we understand who we are and what we were created for. In a world that is so full of dissatisfaction, I want to - how do I put this - Not be like that! I don't want to be dissatisfied. That's not why we were created. Can we honestly look at the world and think man is there all there is? No, we can't because the world is so elaborate. Our hearts tell us of the God who longs for us. Our hearts tell us we are to be satisfied in Him alone. 

I want to be satisfied, contented, pleased with the steadfast love of God.
I want to be satisfied as the woman He's created me to be.
I want to be satisfied in not feeling compelled to do more and be more.

And so my prayer today is to be satisfied in Him. He promises to satisfy the weary soul. And I'm worn out y'all (that's the same as weary right). The house doesn't have to be spot-on, Mr. Clean clean. The scale doesn't need to say the same number it read years ago. The people in my life don't expect of me the expectations I place on myself. I don't need this grand life that another friend may have. I need this life. I need His love. I need to be satisfied. 

I want to be satisfied. 

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