Thursday, March 17, 2016

Life Lately

Wow! It's been a whole 10 days since I've blogged last. Lots of fun things have happened during the in between - We have made it to Daylight Savings time, St. Patrick's Day today.. and now the Madness is upon us! My TV has been set to games since 12. I am in my happy place with a glass of sweet tea!

Jeremy's family came into town for a few days; hence the lack of blogging. But we did some fun things, which I plan to blog about tomorrow. Stay tuned. As for now, this is life lately...

Last week I got a taste of spring in the Hudson Valley, and it sure tasted swell! There was sun. There were flowers. There was some back porch sitting and reading. And then, of course, ACC basketball.

The Spouses Club at WP hosted a Decades Bowling night. I am all over a good reason to dress up, and Holly brought her A-game too! We could have formed our own rock band, but we refrained and bowled instead.

Easter packages are my love language (Well, one of them). Amanda is the bestie for a reason!

Friday I went to Zumba with Holly. We had fun chatting up a free Coke at Subway and browsing a sidewalk sale. I left the gym with two entries for the WP Shamrock Run. Jeremy and I ran some hills that I've never experienced before. For that, my butt is probably in better shape. Thank you.

Frosted Coffee. Drop what you're doing and get to the CFA now! I made Jeremy get his own. #truelove

My books are sideways, but these have been my jam lately. A celeb bio with basketball. Nothing finer.

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