Friday, March 4, 2016

Friday Favorites: It's been a while

Happy Friday folks! I'm just sitting down to write, and it's almost the weekend. Who am I writing a blog and we are at the cusp of 5 o'clock on a Friday!?

When we've been having a mild winter (thankfully), and you see a yellow something something sprout up - it's an immediate Favorite. I'm going to watch these little babies grow and possibly document it. Titled: Spring.

I've had the honor of guest-posting on Her View from Home. Leslie posted this quote earlier in the week. Life's hard sometimes y'all. And this quote sums that up. May we all thrive. Kick it in the face, and praise Jesus for it. 

Speaking of which - If you can care to read my post, I've nicely provided the link for you: Let Him be Your Ultimate. Share it. Like it. Comment. Thanks.

Today some of the West Point spouses got together and did some cake decorating. I was all over this, and then not so much. Cake decorating is not a skill set, but I did get the job done. I texted my wedding cake girl, Torri, and told her of my new found respect for all she does. 

Her work - I think we have a winner!

In the midst of slapping icing everywhere, including somehow on my neck, I managed to get waitlisted. And I'll take it! See that folks - there's a chance to see Jimmy Fallon. I'm saying there's a chance! 

Finally, I wrote earlier this week about my mom and bestie coming to the Point. They are my people and my favorites! 

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