Monday, August 17, 2015

Weekend Recap: I was the Bachelorette

 I came. I saw. I conquered - being the Bachelorette.  It was a weekend for the books!

Friday night started the weekend off with a bang and a Lingerie Shower. Leah hosted such a cute shower with fun foods, games, and a Coke.
 #gettinthegoods #Victoriasnotsosecretanymore
 #partygames #themodels
#selfiegamestrong #timerworksmiracles
Before the festivities began on Saturday, I wanted to host the girls for breakfast/brunch. I am so thankful for these girls and wanted them to know it! Amanda and I whipped up some breakfast foods for our Lisa Frank plates and called it a success!
 #pregaming #LisaFrankpaperplates #cheeseballforbreakfast

 Amanda (see cowgirl hat) is my matron of honor so the duty for this shindig falls on her! She did a great job! My love for a good theme party started when the two of us lived together. We literally found a theme for every occasion. When I saw that Emily Maynard had a White Trash Bash for her Bachelorette party, I knew I'd struck theme party gold! I don't think the girls minded too much either!

#ErinsWhiteTrashBash #solocups #camoandtruckerhatplease
The one thing I have requested for YEARS has been to go pole dancing for my bachelorette party. Think Haley James Scott and One Tree Hill. Well we went and had THE BEST TIME! 
#Portiasays #Whenindoubtbootieout #VMonster

M found out what we were doing and wanted in on the action! I had this picture in my text messages as we were leaving. How appropriate!

The remainder of the afternoon was spent consuming Chickfila and pool time!

#matchingsuits #funinthesun

The weekend ended at one of my favorite spots in Raleigh - Saw Mill Tap Room.

#porchsittin' #cheeseburgers #frands #dinnerspeechesbringtears

Yesterday was a little premarital counseling.. but this is how it went down...
#conferencecall #longdistancelove

I am so thankful for such a great weekend! It was such the perfect sendoff from Raleigh.. not just to celebrate my being a bachelorette but also a great time to celebrate the many friendships here! Those friendships will not end thankfully. But it was great to have everyone together in one place for one last time. Thank you to everyone who was involved!

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