If I wrote a post about every last day on a job, I would have quite a few. I've been a teller at a credit union tres times. I've worked as a cafeteria cashier. I've braved the insurance world on wee bits of knowledge - I answered phones. I've waitressed. I've led tours for the seminary. And I've run errands for some of the best lawyers in Raleigh. None so flattering; yet all so humbling. I finally landed at the Biblical Recorder in May 2013.
Today is my last day as I prepare for a new season of life. I am thankful for this job (along with the many others in Raleigh) because it has taught me much about myself. I've learned my strengths and weaknesses. I've been challenged and encouraged by some wonderful, godly men and women. I've had cheerleaders through this whole dating Jeremy thing (and the other months where a date wasn't to be had). When jobs end, it's not the job I miss the most. It's the people. I am thankful for the men and women I've been able to work with here at the BR and at the Convention. These people have poured into my life in a way that is quite overwhelming - filled with love, encouragement, and pushing me toward Christ and who He has claimed me to be. Not many people can say that of their work environment. For that I am greatly thankful.
I am confident of the Lord placing me here to work. His timing is perfect. I was surrounded by counselors in those darker days where I lost complete sight of who God is. I was surrounded by women to pray with me at all times. I've found a running partner that I wish I would've found sooner. I've been given the opportunity to blog about my faith for women across NC. I've been able to sing worship songs and hear sermons every Wednesday. This place was for my good and His glory.
Great is His faithfulness.
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