Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Weekend Recap: All Things Wedding

.. And Madelyn and Coke and Everything in between.

I love going home. Like seriously, love it. Things really slow down - especially the drivers. And since this Raleigh girl has learned to drive with the best of 'em, slowing down on the road isn't so bad. The SC is hotter BUT the tea is sweeter, the sunsets are better, and I can get a little closer to that sweet baby M.

I could stare at those sweet checks all day long....

On Saturday morning, I got my first ever wedding present. Y'all. I was so excited! Thank you Kathryn!

After opening mysterious packages that included dishes and smiling at M for hours, we ventured to Florence to see my Papa and do some shopping. This was my favorite day of the trip! My mama and Jordy and I demolished to some quesadillas and chips! We met up with my aunt and Mema and found my rehearsal dinner dress and a honeymoon dress and this cute lil S to be seen at a later date in another location! - Maggie needed a bath, and this was the sunset!

Celebrating the day of Dads. Years ago, I never would've imagined my daddy and I sitting in church together. I know he loves the Lord, but today was the day where we sat together and sang together. It was a sweet reminder of God's answer to many years of prayer. I love him!

Let's not even talk about how much I need haircut - I see you Holly; I see you on Wed! 

Mom and I went on the hunt for an Erin Coke - and we found the childhood BFF and the fiance. Please note the classiness of the fiance pic on top of the Bud Light. Class act. 

Goofing around in my mama's wedding dress. Yes, this happened on Sunday night right before we planted ourselves on the couch for an hour of Teen Mom.

And finally, Jeremy sent me this pic this morning of the view from our soon to be room. I'm so excited! 

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