Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Nagging Dissatisfaction

Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, 
and your labor for that which does not satisfy?
Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good, and 
delight yourselves in rich food. 
Isaiah 55

You know those food cravings you might have where absolutely nothing will satisfy. One doesn't have to be pregnant for this to happen. A Snickers will not satisfy the desire for a Butterfinger, nor will Pringles curb the craving of salty, greasy Lays-like potato chips. It's the dissatisfaction that keeps us on the hunt for what will ultimately satisfy. Until I have the Lays, then the Pringles will just not do.

Then there's the general nagging dissatisfaction of life.
We hunt for all things that will curb our appetite for life. What will ultimately make me satisfied? Validated? What will make life meaningful? I'd venture to say that jobs, a perfect body image, a significant other, a full social calendar are all things that we use or long for as an attempt (feeble attempt) to satisfy our desires in life. And the list could go on. However, if you're like me, you realize that none of the things will satisfy. One victory of satisfaction leads to another area of dissatisfaction. It's nagging.

There's the general nagging dissatisfaction of life until we are completely satisfied in Him. The One who has created us made us for Him - for His glory; therefore, we would naturally be created to be satisfied in Him. It's so easy to replace that nagging with other things. Do you know that nagging? I know it well. I can tell you that it is only satisfied by Him. I'm perfectly imperfectly pursuing that, but I know it's only the Living Water and Bread of Life that can fill us. The idols of any form cannot stand in the place where He is meant to be. I love Isaiah 55 for this reason: God asks for us to dine on the rich food rather than wasting our money on the bread that doesn't satisfy. The nagging dissatisfaction is calmed only by Him because He gives the richest of fare!

Let us delight in this rich fare. Let us satisfy that nagging dissatisfaction that has held us captive for so long.

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