Depending on the phase of one's life there are quite a few things we could be pursuing. We could be pursuing to further our education, advance our career, or pursue dreams that no one else understands. The pursuit is interesting because we usually go after it with all our heart. Dedication. Focus. Determination. You know.. the blood, sweat and tears of it all. But there's an even greater pursuit than the ones mentioned, or not mentioned, and that is this...
"He will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him." James 1:12
Much of my life has been fixated on things other than this pursuit - the pursuit of the crown of life. I've focused on education, a career or dream job, hopes, dreams.. all in the barrel. Don't get me wrong. A pursuit of the Lord has been a part of my life, since the day I accepted Christ as my Savior. However, I will freely admit that it hasn't always been my numero uno pursuit. But things- they are a'changin and the Lord is oh, so sweet, to do so.
I have recently been studying Colossians for discipleship. I have been challenged tremendously in my thinking of who Christ is. Colossians 3 is the most recent chapter and was appropriately titled with the heading "Living as those made alive in Christ." How true. Much of this chapter focuses on putting off the things not of God and putting the things on that are of God. This is key to the pursuit of Christ. It involves turning away from the things of the world and turning towards the things of Christ. Putting off evil desire, greed, idolatry, jealousy, disobedience, etc. Putting on compassion, kindness, humility and love. Imagine a wardrobe change if you will. That's how I've always seen it - A one time change for something better.
Until recently. Last week while I was reading through Colossians 3 I noticed just how detailed the putting off/putting on was. There are certain characteristics of a life not lived in Christ, and there are certain characteristics of a life that issssssss lived in Christ. Notice that emphasis? The point is this. A pursuit of the Lord is not a one-time wardrobe change. Yes, we are a new creation in Christ. But this putting off and putting on is constant! It is an everyday thing- not a one time, take it off and be gone. When we/I think like that, we can immediately go into this tunnel and place of shame because we just didn't do it right. The Lord showed me just how much this putting off/putting on is a process of His grace and our pursuit of the crown of life. As we grow in the grace and knowledge of who God is and as we enter various seasons of life, things are going to surface and resurface. It will involve a constant recognition of the things in our heart that are not of God.. turning away from them.. and turning towards the things of God. Because of God's grace, we are allowed to continue this process and pursuit of the Lord and becoming more like Him. We are allowed to continue putting off and putting on. Because of God's grace, it is certainly not a one time deal - all or nothing. This putting on and putting off is no longer a one time wardrobe change. Rather I imagine it to be much like a dressing room on the day of one of the best sales of the year. Clothes everywhere. Clothes on the don't keep rack. And the clothes on the definitely rack. Because that's how my. mind. works.
This is the greater pursuit. This is the more rewarding pursuit. This is the sweeter pursuit. This is the crown of life pursuit.
ReplyDeleteThanks! And in the near future.. I'm just going to let the blog world know that I made a blog friend and send them your way!