Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A Woman Who Fears the Lord: Laughing

And we have officially made it to April! Can we get a scream or shrill of excitement?  My skin is ready to have some pigment and be less white.  It just makes dresses prettier is what I'd like to say.  And after shopping the storm up this past weekend, I'm ready to wear some Spring clothes! Be gone grey, black, dark purple..

And like Sister Act 2, we are back in the habit.  It's time for another entry of this little 'ol series..

She is clothed with strength and dignity, 
she can laugh at the days to come.
Proverbs 31:25

Sarah could laugh at the days to come.
Hannah could laugh at the days to come.
Rahab could laugh at the days to come.
Ruth could laugh at the days to come.
Esther could laugh at the days to come.
Elizabeth could laugh at the days to come.
Mary could laugh at the days to come.
Lydia could laugh at the days to come.

There will come a day when I will laugh at the days to come.  I am confident of this.  I am confident because I know the Lord is working in my life and tearing down the walls that I have built up for so long.  These are the walls that resulted from me losing control in various situations.  By me building the walls, I have been able to maintain some level of control.  Me gaining control translates into me not trusting in the great God He is (though I have seemingly failed to acknowledge this as such up until now).

I have always labeled myself a control freak.  Yes, that is a sufficient term for it.  But I also think its a mask.  It is a mask for a deeper heart issue.  It disguises my lack of trust in others and my God.  My favorite verse has always been Proverbs 3:5-6 which reads:  Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.  I realized some time last week during a time of Bible study that I have failed to live out this verse on various occasions.  A woman who fears the Lord is a woman who can laugh at the days to come because she is a woman who is trusting God to direct her path.  I have attempted to direct my own path for far, far too long.  I have kicked and fought and dug my heels into the ground not wanting to go in the direction of the Lord's path.  I've even gone on the very opposite path just because I thought it was right.  I knew myself better than God, at least that's what I thought.  

But there is grace.  The Lord is so sweet.  As I was praying through this verse, He showed me just how wayward my living out this verse truly was.  I have not been living for him to direct my path.  Rather, I've been living in such a way as to direct my own path.  God is sovereign, and His plans reign supreme.  But I work hard y'all.  

There will come a day when I will laugh at the days to come.  I'm certain of it, and I am certain of my God.  He is tearing down these walls and showing me just how much I have to trust Him.  Things are much easier when I let Him take over.  My confidence is in Him.  He has met my greatest need and because of that, I can laugh at the days to come.


  1. Ok just go ahead and tell everybody you know that we are officially BFFS! Prov 31:25 is MY verse! It has helped me through the darkest times in my life and just always offers me hope. I love it! And I love this post!!! You are awesome girl! Have a great weekend!

    1. Great! Best friends it is.. Have a great weekend! Thanks for readin!
