Friday, October 25, 2013

5 on Friday


Hi all! It's Friday .. and I'm glad to see it! The busyness of last weekend and this week have just worn me flat out.  I'm linking up with the girls on this button here for 5 on Friday.  So let's get down to business, shall we?

[ONE] I purchased 3 of these lovelies to give as Christmas presents to some of the fam.  But truth be told, they probably will get them beforehand.  My friend Megan makes these ornaments (and lots of other kinds.  You know.. just in case you're not a Gamecock) and gives all proceeds to a family raising funds to adopt.  Such a wonderful idea!  Check out Ornaments for Adoption and get a few Christmas presents while you are at it!.. Just $10 and includes shipping! Win.. Win.. Win.

[TWO]  This is what happens when we go to the fair: ...   Selfies. In front of the Ferris Wheel.  Big Crowd. And we don't like selfies really. This is how we do.  PS- I have the habit of taking pictures with my mouth Wide stinkin' open.

[THREEEEEEEE]  This guy.  Such poor quality of a picture. But he sure knows how to throw a party!  Let me tell you. It made my weekend and month, as a matter of fact.  

[FOUR]  Thankful.  God gives us just what we need and when we need it.  Tuesday night I was exhausted.  That rarely happens.  But when the body is slowing down.. it's a sign.  And I need rest Tuesday night.  Thankful for an understanding and loving small group. -- And for the pizza, sweet potato fries, chocolate chip cookie, and 90210 that helped that process run smoothly.  Also check out Psalm 15 - so good.. Rather than just professing a faith in the Lord. We are to live out that faith in the Lord! Amen.

[FIVE] With a little bit of that Old Navy supercash, I purchased this for a mere $20. I'm thinking leggings and boots and call it a day.

Happy Friday everyone!!!


  1. Love the ornament. I'm looking for some Georgia ornaments for my northern family members.
    Stopping by from the link up. You're blog is so cute!
    Happy Friday!

  2. Looks like you had a bunch of fun at the fair girl! haha I'm glad to see another Boston fan... tired of seeing all the Cards nonsense!

    Check me out

  3. well hello darling! popped over from the linkup and so glad it did!! i need to go read that psalm 15!!

    hope you've had a lovely fri!

