Friday, October 18, 2013

5 on Friday


Happy Happy Friday!!

The leaves they are a-changin'.  The State Fair is in town!  And well, college basketball is returning with all its glory.  Amen.  Here's my 5 for Friday..

[ONE] This happened.  And all is right in the world.
One of the best friends of the Alabama kind moved to Toronto.  I have not stepped it up in my technology game until last night.  And we were reunited the text and walkie talkie kind of way.  There was like some kind of relief  and happiness all wrapped in that moment - It was kind of like I had finished the Boston Marathon and won the World Series singlehandedly all the while eating a chocolate chip cookie.  No biggie.

Prayer.  My small group on Tuesday night, and my work chapel on Wednesday were both about prayer. I have learned a lot and been challenged quite a bit.  This was my favorite takeaway.  - Pray more than preach. Pray more than teach.  Pray more than worry. Pray more than complain. -  Our time is to be consumed with communion with the Father.  Jesus knew He could not win the battle ahead without staying in touch with the Father.. why would we think it would be any different for us?  I'm thinking a blog post will come soon on this little something.. Nope, make that a big something.

[THREE] Beckett.
My friend since the 4th Grade (however, I always say she first through dirt at me on the playground. That seems to be debatable) had her sweet baby boy last week.  I was able to meet him Sunday.  Becca and Beckett are having fun as a little family.  It made me almmooosttt ready to have little Batmans of my own.. almost.  Not. Quite.  If the Lord chooses to bless me with a son one day, he will be able to wear that little Batman cape anywhere he wants to.

[FOUR and FIVE] The. Weekend.  Let me just get real.. with all of this (See below) .. it deserves 2 spots!
Returning to Cameron tonight...

 And then a little of that Fair action ... PSA- If you happen to like pecan pie, it's much better when it's deep fried.  It'll change your life, second to Jesus of course!

And finally .. going to this guy.. with Amanda, Tyler, and Kari (sans Lindsay because you know, she's in Toronto..)  I am oh, so excited... bringing the age range up a notch. No big deal.
This is what won me over.. just sayin.

Have a good weekend folks!
And if you're a visitor through this little link up, how about come back sometime!
And if you're a regular, well.. you know.. you're appreciated :)


  1. Pecan Pie? You had me at hello! Just stopped over from 5 on Friday! Cute blog! You seem fun!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I actually think I read your blog every now and then! haha
