Thursday, July 11, 2013


Summer.  It's when things slow down and the clothes brighten up a bit.  The slowing down part is in theory, I think.  I haven't slowed down yet!  But it's the thought of those long Summer days that make us smile in the dead of winter.

Summer is good for a cookout and a baseball game.  But I think there is more to it than just the simple entertainment aspect.  God specifically designed all of the seasons, and summer is no different.  When I think of the seasons, I think of summer as being the primary season lived in community.  Think about all you do over the course of May, June, July, and August.  We take trips.  We have dinner parties.  We hang out by the pool with friends.  We have cookouts.  We go to the movies.  We go to outdoor events - baseball games, concerts, festivals, etc.  We watch TV together.  No, no .. this doesn't mean we hole up in our little caves during the other months.  But it does mean that during the summer, we are most likely to strive for those connections with others.  We want to be around other people.  There is not a thing wrong with that.  In fact God created a desire within us to live in community.  It is the body of believers that make upHis church.  He desires us to live our lives together and alongside one another.  To strengthen and refresh the saints.  To encourage and build up. This can only be done in community.

I am at a place in life where it seems difficult to find community.  When I say community, I don't just mean a good time here and there with like minded believers.  I'm talking the ladies and gents who I can spend time with and be closer to Christ once I leave their company.  I'm talking people who bare their sin and confess their struggles.. who point to Scripture.. and show or tell (not like in 5K) something amazing God has recently done in their life.  I want it so badly.  I'm thirsty for it y'all.  I am thankful for those He has placed in my life. But I want more of it.  A dinner here or there... or a hello at church isn't enough.  Married on one side and singles on the other side and young parents on the others.  That's not it either. And honestly, I don't think that was ever God's plan in the beginning.

Think about those parties you plan.  And the cookouts.  And the baseball games.  And the TV watching.  I know that I don't make it as intentional as I should.  That being said, I know that God gives discernment in baring our souls to any and everyone.  But we live this season of 3 or 4 months in a community-like state.. why shouldn't it be all day every day... why shouldn't it be more?  Why can't it be more?

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11

1 comment:

  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE! so good that i'm not the only one who feels this way!
