Friday, June 22, 2012

This is my life.. YOLO

I can honestly say that I am glad this last week is finally over! For the first time in about 2 years, I felt like I was in school again. I had to study a bit for the Driver's License test. I had 2 tests I had to study for at work. AND I had to write a practice lesson for a curriculum company that I may substitute write for. Exciting! But all of this sure has kept me a busy bee! So life is moving, and so am I.

I guess there just has to be a combination of contributing factors as to why I am tired of this same old routine I do. That routine being - work, run/gym, eat dinner, watch TV, and go to bed. It's no fun anymore, and we were meant for more.  A couple of Wednesdays ago my friend Abby shared at church about her work at JMU with InterVarsity.  The catchphrase on college campuses right now is YOLO - You Only Live Once. Whereas most college students love this crazy life and use that phrase to render anything ok, YOLO for the Christian can mean something more! John 10:10 quotes Jesus as saying, "I came that they may have life and have it to the fullest."  Second situation: A friend of mine was saying how he has always wanted to be a pilot and fly.  After graduating from seminary, his parents encouraged him to go ahead and pursue the pilot's license. Now was a better time than ever to go after some things he had always wanted to do.  Our life to the fullest is to enjoy all that God has created and made for our good.

That doesn't mean I'm going to go back to college, or even trying to attempt a pilot's license.  The driver's license was enough to make me nervous. BUT I want things to look different about my normal routine. There is so much to experience in this world, and I am ready for it.  My life doesn't look crazy different right now, but I kind of ran into the opportunity of volunteering at Pregnancy Support Services of WF.  My old roommate Paige was at Ryan and Diana's wedding, and I signed up right there on the spot.  I want to start playing tennis again. And by playing, I do mean I want to be able to have a consistent "volley." I wouldn't mind learning about golf. I don't understand it, but I think my arms have the strength to hit the ball pretty far. I am starting to sketch again. I have always drawn dresses since I was in 3rd/4th grade! I would've gone to school for fashion, but I was a home body.. Let's just be honest.. NO WHERE IN SC is the Fashion capital of the world. I want to write.. I want to write alot!  I want to travel.. I think I want to travel to DC, Atlanta, Savannah, or NYC. - At least 2 of the 4 in the remaining year, and I do believe that is attainable. I want to run another half marathon and legitimately train for it this time around. All of that sounds like a lot.. but I want it to be a time of just really growing closer to the Lord and understanding more of the strengths, weaknesses, and gifts He has given me. I hope this all made a bit of sense :)

"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful."  Hebrews 10:23

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