Wednesday, February 8, 2012

This Speaks for Itself.

I am not sure what God is doing in my life right now. But I know that He is doing something - something BIG. I am thankful. Praise the Lord that He is still working on me! I know that He is drawing me closer to Himself, and I'm falling in love.. more in love with Him!

Yesterday I read 1 Kings 19 in preparation for my trip to Prague. God is trying to convey is this passage of Scripture that Elijah was running because he was frustrated that the Israelites were not doing what he thought they should be.  But in that moment, God reveals Himself to Elijah to show Him that He is working in ways that Elijah can not understand. He is doing greater things! - This may explain all my crying over the past few weeks.  I know now that in those moments God was/is in the processing of purifying me for greater things.

At the base of all this is my perception of the Gospel. It is me-centered - my struggles, my victories, my doubts, and God who can solve all of that. I have been very much focused on my own struggles to look beyond and see that the Gospel is God-centered. IT IS Him coming down, Him living a sacrificial life, Him dying for us, Him saving us, and Him bringing us to Himself! It's never about us. God can work immeasureably when we stop looking at the Gospel as centered on us.. and rather look at is God-centered!

I am reading "Radical" now by David Platt. These are just a few quotes from that centered around this:
- "The price is certainly high for people who don't know Christ and who live in a world where Christians shrink back from self-denying faith and settle into self-indulging fatih. While Christians choose to spend their lives fulfilling the American dream instead of giving their lives to proclaiming the kingdom of God, literally billions in need of the gospel remain in the dark.
- "In the gospel God reveals the depth of our need for him. He shows that there is absolutely nothing we can do to come to him. We can't manufacture salvation. We can't program it. We can't produce it. We can't even initiate it. God has to open our eyes, set us free, overcome our evil, and appease his wrath. He has to come to us."
- "The message of biblical Christianity is not "God loves me, period," as if we were the object of our own faith. The message of biblical Christianity is "God loves me so that I might make him- his ways, his salvation, his glory, and his greatness- known among all nations." Now God is the object of our faith, and Christianity centers around him. We are not the end of the gospel; God is."

And finally, this is a link to a great article about the same stuff .. Excellent read!

This is my life...

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