Wednesday, January 11, 2012

For the Single Loves in my life ..

Yep, I'm single too, but I found these quotes from somewhere.. don't even know where, but I thought I'd share them today. I would love to give credit where credit is due if they came from another blog or article, but I can't .. sadness... But y'all enjoy and be encouraged!

"It is far more important for a single person to be the right person instead of looking for the right person." -Dr. Akin

"When you  are the right person, the person you are to be before God, then you are in the perfect position for God to bring the right person into your life."

And an exercpt from the Drew Brees book: Coming Back Stronger. Yikes! I haven't finished yet. But still:

Here's what I believe. When I said "I do" to Brittany [his wife obviously], I meant it. Nobody is going to tear us apart. ... So when I put the ring on Brittany's finger, I said "For better or for worse, till death do us part." Period. No matter how bad it could possibly get, I am committed. It's not about my happiness.  It's not about a feeling. I committed myself to her for the rest of my life, and I promise never to walk away.  Because of that promise, there are certain things my wife and I have promised to each other about the way we interact.  For example, when we aregue- and we do have disagreements- she knows I will never tell her to shut up. Ever. I will never tell her to shut up or disrespecft her, because we see that as one of the ways people close the lines of communication. Also, I will never call her ugly names or use profanity when we're arguing. I want her to feel safe to come to me and tell me what's on her heart so we can grow closer in our relationship.  I feel like God has given us each other for a purpose, and if God gives you someone to work with that closely, you need to listen and learn. I want to see her reach her full potential. I want to enrich her. I want to love her and give myself up for her, just like the Bible commands husbands to do.

This is my life.. and I love it :)

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