Friday, August 26, 2011

All the Single Ladies!

If Beyonce can sing about it, then I can write about it.  Singleness.. yes, singleness. It is what plagues the minds of most girls I know these days. We are in the second half of our twentys and wondering when the one we are meant to be with will come along. I think about it often. Others think about it for me. Crazy, but yes.. others that I would have never thought of wonder why I'm single. It just happens.

Honestly, for the longest time I already thought I would be married by now. I thought I would be living somewhere in Darlington with my husband and kids.  I thought I would be a History teacher at my own high school. I would have my summers off. I would take my children to school in the mornings and pick them up after. I would have dinner on the table when my husband got home. All of that is exactly what I thought I wanted when I was in high school and early college. And to some extent, I still hope it happens one day. But for now..

God has had different plans for my life. I am such a planner and control freak and want everything to work out and be okay. I wanted all of that previous dream to be true. But He placed a calling on my life into the ministry. Since then, things have been different. I am still single and not married. There are no babies, and there for sure won't be until two rings are on this finger. I don't even live in SC. I would to love to move and live neither here nor there.  All of that to say, my life is different. It looks a lot more different than I could have ever imagined at 18 or 19.  I have experienced heartache, disappointments, financial struggles, moving.. and moving more, tears, laughter until my abs get a workout, love, wonderful friends, and growth- growing into the woman God has me to be. 

I can't wait to meet the one God has for me, or maybe I already know him! For now though, I want to embrace this time that I have with everything I've got. I want to travel more. I want to volunteer more. I want to save more $.  I want to grow and know Him more. I want to love on my friends more. - None of which can't be accomplished by a married woman, but it's different.. we all know that.

I want to live this life today and tomorrow and the next day just the way God has for me to do it.  And if that one comes into my life, then by all means I hope he will run straight to me :) But this is God's plan for me. He wants this control-freak, organized girl to give it up, and let Him do the writing.

"Lord, You have assigned me my portion and my cup. You have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places. Surely I have a delightful inheritance!" Psalm 16: 5-6

PS- If you haven't already done so, check out Kelly's Korner blog on singleness.. It's so good!

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