Monday, April 18, 2011

Read On.

I am now reading:

I was at Mrs. Bush's house and saw this one sitting on her desk.  Knowing Mrs. Bush very well, I knew that if that's where the book was, it would most likely stay there for the next couple of days. So, I took the opportunity to grab this one up and read it.  I read "Trusting God" by Jerry Bridges back in September maybe. It was incredibly good.  This one is really good too.  Anne Graham Lotz is point-blank in trusting God. What I like most is that she shares candidly how much she has doubted in previous years.
  "Have you wondered, in agony, why God is doing what He's doing? Why He has delayed answering your prayer? Have you reacted to the delay by trying to help Him out and speed things up?  ... One reason God may be delaying His answer to your praer and postponing His intervention in your situation is to bring you to the end of your own resources.  Some times God waits in order to allow us time to exhaust every other avenue of help until we finally realize without any doubt or reservation that we are totally helpless without Him." When I read this I thought: "God not only have I exhausted every resource, I've just beaten them over the head so much 'til they can't do a thing. I'm way beyond exhausting!"
For a girl who has practically applied to over 100 jobs within the past year and only have gotten as far as 1 interview, I will willingly admit that I have put forth a ton of effort on this finding a job deal. A job I was really excited about was removed from the website today. I cried. Not the ugly cry. But the tears form in the corner of your eyes kind and you really just want to go outside and wail so loud the bears wake up. But you just stop those tears kind of cry. That's how I cried this morning, and then I read that passage above. So there you go. My blog for today :)
Peace out.

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