Thursday, March 24, 2016

Immeasurably More

Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all
we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us,
to Him be the glory! Ephesians 5:20-1

There once was a girl who dreamed of getting married. She loved History. She loved New York, and she loved working with college students. She enjoyed spending time in the Word and running as far as she could each morning. She dreamed of being in a Bible study during the daytime and talking with women about the Lord. She hoped to one day write books and teach. She wanted so badly to rest and enjoy the sunshine.

And then the moment came when she was running errands for a law office or putting chips on display in the cafeteria, or even throwing wasted food into a garbage can - and she couldn't imagine a moment where any of that would come together. This girl was me.

So often I was clouded with my own desires and my current situation that I failed to see past the fogginess and trust that God had a perfect plan in store. I prayed Ephesians 3:20 and hoped for immeasurably more because I knew God was able. However, I couldn't see it all through the menial errands I was running with a Master's degree. But a girl has to pay the bills, and so I continued to work those jobs.

Before I got married, Heather Hood reminded me of God's perfect plan. She reminded me of the mornings I would come to her house and talk about my desires to some day do ministry in New York. She reminded me of the timing and fruition of those desires that were planted in my heart by the Lord seven years ago and how He has abundantly provided - I am currently living in New York with my husband and actively involved in the BCM on campus.

Within the last week, I have been offered the opportunity to become a monthly contributor for Her View from Home, a place for women to share their writings and thoughts. It's great. I am also in the process of writing a great book with a wonderful bunch of friends as well as keying my own book. The Lord has provided these opportunities in abundance.

And if things couldn't get any crazier, I came upon a job possibility that fits me perfectly. My love for History and knowing the most random facts about the world we live in could possibly culminate in a job giving tours of West Point. It's for the History-lover. My friend Torri told me that if I didn't have to work I should take on a job that would be fun. Sitting in my US History class more than 15 years ago (Oh wow!), I developed a love for the history of our nation. That desire was planted in my heart. I didn't want to teach but certainly wanted to be involved in sharing history some how. Though I don't have the job yet, the possibility is quite promising.

As I was driving home yesterday from West Point, I was winding through the mountains where I don't have cell service and am forced to be just me and my thoughts, which I enjoy. The Lord reminded me of how His plans are greater than anything we can understand. The desires planted in my heart years ago were given with reason. Yet, I couldn't understand it all then. I wanted to so badly, but His delay is for our greater trust in Him. It is for our good.

Jeremy and I have a small landscape area in front of our door. The area has looked like death for so long. I even contemplated pulling every bush up and throwing the weeds in the garbage. If it ended up just being a bed of mulch, it would look better than the current situation. That was a month ago. This morning I walked out of the door and took a moment to notice all the flowers blooming in this area. I stopped because the beauty of this small landscape plot takes my breath away every morning for the past couple of weeks. You see, the woman before us prized her gardens, and yet I never knew this. What I thought was a plot of dead weeds has now become a sight to take in and relish. This garden has reminded me that God gives us immeasurably  more than all we can ask or dream of. He is able to do immeasurably more than what we understand.

His plans are great. His plans are immeasurably more.

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