Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Learning a Thing or Two: Babysitting

Adventures in Babysitting. It's not a movie I can say that I've watched. I probably need too. Especially now that a niece has made it into the picture, I'm all ears for a baby and sweet little laughs and volunteering to keep said baby. This past weekend I made my way to the SC to keep Sweet lil' M while her parents went off to a wedding sans baby. (Wedding planning was also involved this weekend; however, prior to knowing anything about a ring, Madelyn was the name and babysitting the game.)

Now. It may appear to you that sweet little Madelyn was having the time of her life with Aunt Erin. However, that is not all necessarily true. Just like a Facebook or IG picture can tell a lie, pictures can be deceitful. This little gal was not in her comfort zone. By comfort zone, I most nearly mean - her home, her bed, her swing, with her parents. Clearly. The tears were the evidence.

It's funny how God uses moments to teach a thing here and there. In a time, when I feel like He has been so far away. This babysitting adventure reminded me a lot of our relationship with Him. You see, Madelyn needed the comfort of the familiar: We walk outside. She feels the sun. She knows outside as a comfort of home. She is no longer crying.

We are no different. We want what is familiar. When a wrench is thrown into the plans we've made, what happens? We cry. We get upset. We are frustrated. There is some worry mixed in along with doubt and fear. That happens. And yet all the while I'm trying to soothe Madelyn and rub her little back, I was reminded of how God does the same for us. He says over and over "Trust me Erin. Trust me Erin. Do you trust me Erin?"

Peter denied Christ three times. I don't even want to know what that looks like for me. It has happened many a' times. Thankfully, I know deep deep down that my record is clear. Jesus' reverses that denial by asking Peter three times "Do you love me Peter?" Jesus was preparing Peter for something - that something being the building of His church. When God brings us to something, it is for our good. I don't like saying that because good doesn't always mean princesses and unicorns. It can be painful. Yet, the other side of that.. when we are willing to leave the familiar comforts of our plans.. is His plans for us that our greater than anything we can understand!

He wants to be the One we run to. We just have to run full force, and He's there. He's saying, "Do you trust me?"
Just ask Peter.
Ask Abraham.
Ask Ruth.
Ask Mary.
Ask me.. a girl who was about to sign a 9 month lease and transition to a new job. Engagement came sooner. But His plans are greater! I wouldn't change it. All my crying and wanting the familiar like M turned out to be even greater!

Adventures in babysitting. Adventures closer to my God.


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