Tuesday, December 30, 2014

This is/was My Life in 2014

Clearly the chocolate I am eating is prompting the energy for this post. In a year that has seemed challenging and with much growth and refining, this one has been pretty great. The pictures don't lie. 2014 was filled with answered prayers, blessings, grace, friends, and family. You're gonna need a few minutes for this one...


January brought the beginning of all the snow days in the little Triangle area. We (Amanda and I) became master craftsmen at coordinating fun on a Snow Day. I up-ed my game on preparing a grocery list for aforementioned "days", and we worked a curling iron and straightener like no one's business for optimal Snow Day photos. It took nothing short of 20 trys. I also recaptured my love for a paper clip bobby pin in January. -- Snow Days continued into Feb. There was much of a mix of Top Gun and Duck Dynasty viewing during these days.




Valentine's month. The blog brought on a series called This Season. It was my way to express some thoughts on singleness and dating. Much needed. The Sochi Olympics happened, and so my Growth Group made our own twist with candy - BEST M&M. I went to a bridal shower for an old friend of the Backstreet Boy kind, Brenda. More snow craziness which meant I watched too much Ducky Dynasty and became one of the dynasty. The dad surprised me with some chocolate covered pecans for Valentine's, and I prayed all the way home that night for my future husband. At the end of the month, it was time to celebrate Kelly's 30th with black dresses and the 80's.


Apparently nothing too grand happened in March because there were no pics on previously blogs to report any happenings. I must have gone home because I was able to snap this picture at the corner of our yard at the little home. So much color. Amanda and I went to CharGrill. Every one stared at us. Maybe because we looked rough and tough and dragged down the road 20 miles. 


I celebrated Easter with my parents, bought a couch like a big girl, and saw Ben Rector with Brittany and Jen  - an almost 29 year old in the midst of NC State students. Good times. Also got my first email from the fella this month. And that's where it all began. 


May I was a little busy bee! My long lost friend moved out and away - Have no fear, she's not lost! Tears were shed by me only. No surprise. I went to my first Derby party sans big hat, though next year I'll come back strong. I TURNED 30!!! - which included but not limited to Birthday Eve with FRIENDS, the trip to Hotlanta, and my very first semi-blind date with Jeremy. I went to Jeremy's Changing of Command ceremony in Columbus and on to Savannah the next weekend with my mama and aunt - Celebrating that retttiiirreeemeennnt!! Let's put it this way- Georgia got a lot of love in May.


In June I started working on a writing project for the book of James. Traveled over to Asheville to meet up with Jeremy for a fun, little weekend. Brooks came into my possession because of poor, tiny foot problems. I ran a 10K with Alicia and struggled! Remembered my daddy on the Day of Dads. 


The biggest jaunt of July was to Denver to see my friend, Lauren. I was able to participate in Serve Denver with Summit. Saw a few sights in the city. And I for one, rested very well. 


The hot months stay busy apparently! Little Maggie found her way back home after being sent to Camden and renamed- What an identity crisis! Sunbathing in Statesville. I made my first trip to NY to see Jeremy and all many a'sights at West Point, learned a few things, and took a picture at Trophy Point - of which picture is currently on my desk. I FINALLY saw Gavin Degraw in concert and felt like I was a part of the OTH cast. Another friend turned 30! -- celebrated Torri!


Hello September and cooler weather! I now understand the wonderfulness of Hayes Barton, a FitBit, and some West Point baseball. This equation is easy: Me + Baseball + Jeremy = good.


What fun! What fun! I purchased my first mum ever for the Fall decor and felt like a complete grown up. Not so much a grown up, when I JUST threw it away right before Christmas. Our Growth Group celebrated Amy and Andrew's marriage - BBQ style. It was my 3rd Balloon Rally with some good friends. Speaking of friends, Lindsay came back into my life for a brief moment. Jeremy came to South, and we just HAD to go to the State Fair because that's what I wanted to do. For Halloween, you can guess who I was. 


Apparently, not much happened in November. But surely something did. There was Thanksgiving and Black Friday shopping of course! Make that Black Thursday. And we all said, "Never again!"


Oh you know, I just became an aunt to the cutest little gal on the block - Madelyn. I saw the Rockefeller Christmas tree. Jeremy said I shrieked with excitement! We had the 3rd annual Christmas Party for a Cause making spa bags for the pregnancy center, and I attended the Stell Cookie Exchange. I mixed up a mean cookie with complete random ingredients. Made my way over to Knoxville to see the fella for Christmas. And because everyone was sick, Christmas closed out with a small celebration with Jordy, Lacie, and lil' M.

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