Tuesday, February 4, 2014

This Season: Red Heart Balloon Complex

Yesterday I mentioned that I'd gotten off Facebook.  Today you may find me back on there.  There's a condition.  I used to post when I wrote something on here.. on there.  I actually had a couple of people ask me yesterday to let them know when I post since I'm off Facebook.  That's difficult, y'all.  So I will link it up and maintain some self control with the Newsfeed.  Considering my Christian-affiliated job, this little blog is one way I can share about Jesus.  I feel like God has given this blog and words as a ministry.  If people are willing to click and read, then I should be faithful to share and write what He is doing.. and more importantly- has done!
 "Whatever you do, do all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31

It could be called an unhealthy fear... maybe an irrational fear.. maybe just straight up anxiety or nausea.  But I've come to not like red, heart-shaped balloons.  They tend to appear around the 14th of February on the most appropriate day of the year - Valentine's Day. Why you may ask?  Well it all started in the 7th grade.

In the 7th grade, I was introduced to Valentine's Day on a whole new level.  No longer were the cute cardboardish cut-outs with a lollipop shoved in them appropriate.  You know what I'm talking about.  Elementary school meant making a mailbox out of a brown paper bag and delivering your valentines around the room.  That all came to a quick end in junior high.  No more paper bag mailboxes, obviously.  The cute valentines and messenger hearts were replaced with none other than a red, heart-shaped balloon.

During the weeks leading up to the big day, one could purchase heart balloons during lunch to send to their loves.  On the day of, the balloons would be delivered during seventh period.  It was kind of a big deal because, you know, receiving a balloon meant real love and all, at least then it did ha. Oh how times have changed!  There was always that unhealthy expectation that Valentine's Day would be THE day my secret crush would reveal his love for me in the most romantic way: revealing himself on the tag of a heart shaped balloon.  Well, you may already know how this story end.

The day came.  And 7th period came.  And the balloons came.  Not all at once.  Nope.  There was some severe lack of organization, and deliveries came throughout the entire fifty minute Living Skills class (aka home economics).  All the while I'm craning my neck every time the door swings open hoping that my crush would think of me and send a balloon.  Is it me this time?  Nope.. That boy in the back is getting his third balloon of the day.  I can with true, good conscience say that I never received the coveted heart-shaped balloon in junior high.. nor the Valentine's gram in high school.. nor some awesome date during post college years.

I share this because we easily get caught up in the expectation of "what-ifs" and "one days", or "why not me".  I do it ALL.THE. TIME. For real.  If you know me well, you know me.  It's an easy rut to get into, and it's a spot where the enemy knows he can attack if we are not on guard against him.  I was having dinner with a friend Friday night.  We were talking about Valentine's day and past dates (or lack of ha) and all the expectation that goes into it.  I am so thankful y'all when the Lord gets my attention on something!  This happened:  He reminded me of how He has protected me from so much over the years of Valentine's days.  Because I have not had a silly balloon or bag of candy or a rockin' date, He has sheltered me from many 'a broken hearts.  He has kept me pure.  He has guarded my time, thoughts, and energies.  He has transformed how I view dating and an interest that no longer hangs on a red, heart-shaped balloon, but rather hangs on a man's love for the Lord.  He has and is constantly directing my satisfaction towards Him alone.  No red, heart-shaped balloons and all.  He's got me!

We have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us.  God is love,
and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.  By this, love is perfected
with us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment; because as He is, so also 
are we in this world.  There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear... We love
because He first loved us.  1 John 4:16-9

And simply because these old Valentines warm my little heart..

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