It's been a while since I've confessed anything, so let's get down to business..
- I confess at the age of 29 I am just now realizing that I am unable to cut a piece of paper in a straight line. For the longest time I thought it was the scissors. But every pair? Nope. There's a bigger problem.
- I confess that after an hour of Zumba last night. I was worn slap out and didn't make it past 9:00. But can confirm that I shook. what. my. mama. gave. me.
- I confess that I was like a 5 year old on Christmas morning when BOTH One Tree Hill Season 7 and When Harry Met Sally arrived in my PO Box. Grateful for the PO.
- I was not so grateful for the PO 2 hours before my arrival home and receiving aforementioned packages. I am missing a more precious package and called the PO for just a little guidance in figuring stuff out.
Me: The estimated arrival date says two days ago, so I was just checking to see what I need to do next.
PO Lady: If the tracker does not say it has arrived at your mailbox, then it's not there.
- I confessed to the Instagram world earlier today and will now confess to the Blog world. I was a little WCW fan in the day until about the sweet age of 9 when I started to be a bit more girly. This is a judgment free zone - just a little reminder.
Happy Friday!
LOL about cutting a straight line! I so can't either. Cant draw a straight line. Cant walk a straight line. hmmmm :)