Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Thanksgiving Adventures

For Thanksgiving, we headed to the South.. Carolina. We spent Thanksgiving with my family, so we could also catch a special little lady's birthday! This was by far one of the best Thanksgivings. We ate a ton. We relaxed. We Black Thursday shopped (a tiny bit). We Black Friday shopped. We picked up pecans (a Gandy tradition), and we birthday-ed it up for sweet M. I cried happy tears a few times at how thankful I am. Thanksgiving everyday should be noticing the smallest of gifts from the Great Giver.

First time Turkey Trotters! Still waiting on our race T-shirt.

First Thanksgiving. Warm Sunshine. Full stomachs. Win.

Family Pic #192845 We worked hard to get the miss to smile. Our group has grown by Jeremy and Madelyn. #Morethanwedeserve
PS- We also found out M will be having a baby brother in April. I called it in the very beginning by buying BOY clothes on Buy/Sell/Trade the week they announced their pregnancy. Oh happy day!

Birthday girl getting her party on. Notice the smirk - "I'm getting the hang of this thing now."
Lacie made a slide show video of M's pics over the year. She's not even my child, and I cried. I was so overwhelmed by this sweet girl, her growing up and the Lord's blessing.

 Party girl. Second outfit change. Girl does it right.

Saying goodbye to the family. M is post nap. Read: Less than thrilled.

It was kinda like "A Walk to Remember" but not. Two favorite places at once.

Thankful for so many things this year. I am constantly challenged (DAILY) to remember the blessings the Lord has given. I hope y'all had a great holiday filled with pecan pie and mac and cheese :)

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