Monday, June 23, 2014

10 Years

Happy Monday folks!

I can barely believe this week marks ten years since we fell in love with Noah and Allie and Ryan Gosling's beard. Yet the calendar doesn't lie, and ten years it has been. So it is only fitting that the blog show its proper respect..  These are the quotes and scenes that melted my heart...

"So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me.. everyday."

"Get in the water. Get in the water woman! Get in the water! No I'm sorry baby, please just get in. GET IN THE WATER!"

"I WANNA GO OUT WITH YOU! -- All right, all right. We'll go out."

"I like this song."


The moment we dreamed about one day dancing in the middle of a silent street.
Icecream became a new way to flirt.
The best kind of kiss there ever was.
Get in the water.. I'm sorry baby.. Get in the water.

There was one scene I was unable to find a picture for - It's when Allie returns to Noah and has made her final decision to stay with him. He opens the door, and she just shrugs her shoulders. That shrug just says a lot of things all in one - "I'm sorry. I choose you. Accept me as I am. I'm a mess. And I love you." .. And Noah receives her without question. And then we all sighed or cried, one.. the other.. or both.

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