Friday, October 11, 2013

10 Things I learned from Season 1 of 90210

Happy Friday!

In light of ending Season 1 of 90210 last night, I thought it'd be fun to end the week by listing the 10 things I learned from watching the season.  I got the idea from my friend Megan who wrote this type of post for the Titanic.  You can check her blog out here.

Without further ado...

10 Things I Learned from watching Season 1 of 90210

1.  Luke Perry.  Oh, Luke Perry.  No further explanation is needed.

2. The original Teen Mom aired in episode 12 - "One Man and a Baby".  Beat MTV to the punch.

3.  After being a true committed fan, I have NEVER seen "Stand (Up) and Deliver" .. until now.

4.  Slumber parties can be taken to a whole other level.  No longer the fun and games of a pillow fight.


5. Mom jeans and a t-shirt were the acceptable fashion ensemble of the day.  I tried so hard to work it when I was 7.

6.  The girl getting her sun tan on in the opening credits is not an original cast member.  It's Tiffany - the girl who steals.

7.  Guys really have no preference when it comes to hair color.

8.  Brenda's love, Stuart, plays a bell boy in Season 1 - His name is not Stuart.

9.  Cocaine is not a laughing matter folks.

And Finally ....

10 Two people can wear the same dress to the Spring Dance and have a great evening!

Hope you enjoy your weekend!  Heading to the SC! 

1 comment:

  1. I love I want to go watch it..miss that show.
