Tuesday, December 18, 2012


This morning I woke up and got busy! I managed to put a batch of brownies in the oven before I even took a shower. I ended doing my quiet time in the living room by the Christmas tree. When it comes to the Christmas tree, I'm like a 5 year old and could stare at it all day long.  To me, you can't look at a Christmas tree without thinking of the joy and light that is the Messiah -King Jesus!

I decided to read in Luke this morning to start my week to Christmas.  I've always been fascinated by the reactions of both Zechariah and Mary when they were told they would have children.  Zechariah responded with "How can I be sure of this?".  Zechariah and Elizabeth had been praying for years for a son. They were old.. and to not have a son was a disgrace.  Of course, there prayers were centered on a blessing, an heir.  When God decided to answer these prayers in His timing, Zechariah is stunned and even unsure he has heard correctly.  That's like God telling us something, and we respond with how unsure we are, is it the right direction, etc.  Mary, on the otherhand, responded with "May your Word to me be fulfilled."  Mary had questions, no doubt, but she trusted God from the moment she was told what was going to happen.

What is our posture when God calls us to anything? I tend to ask all of the questions, want the details, and sort it all out in my mind.  God wants and deserves for us to have the response similar to Mary.  We should be saying, "Okay, God. If this is your plan, I'm going with it."

I am thankful that God can use His Word at all points and places in my life to draw me back to Himself.  Thankful for this Christmas season. He is the reason.

Merry Christmas!

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